One on One Dog Training


Domestication and Evolution​ : Where Does Your Dog Come From
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Genetics​ : Coming Soon
Neurobiology​ : Coming Soon
Endocrinology​ : Coming Soon

How to choose a dog

You’ve thought about it long and hard, spent hours looking at pictures on the Internet and you’ve already dreamt of your future together. But with hundreds of dog breeds to choose from, how do you choose the perfect dog for you?

All dogs are different, but if you consider the following key areas……. For more information follow the link ‘here’ to the Australian Veterinary Associations VetVoice information page.

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Vaccination Information For Dogs and Cats

Vaccination is one of the most common veterinary procedures undertaken in small animal practice. Vaccinating your pets against preventable diseases is a key component of responsible pet ownership as it helps reduce the risk of them becoming unwell from some severe, life-threatening diseases. For more information follow the link ‘here’ to the Australian Veterinary Associations VetVoice information page.

Puppy Timeline

Birth to 2 Weeks: Neonatal Period; suckling.

2 Weeks to 3 Weeks: Transitional Period; eyes open.

3 Weeks to 12 Weeks: Socialisation Period; they will startle to sound, at around week 5 will show interest in humans.

12 Weeks to 16 Weeks: Juvenile Period; showing signs of maternal separation and distant exploration.

16 Weeks to 12 Months: Adolescent Period: Growth Spurts and life as a Teenager = Puberty.

12 Months to 4 years: Maturity; if trained properly your dog will become a trustworthy member of your family.

All Dogs Are Individuals, By Animal Farm Foundation.INC.
Raw Feeding For Dogs, By Boo

Dog Toys I use and Love and Highly Recommend

I stock a few of these and bring them to our first training session to show you exactly what they are… Their size and suitability for your fur child.

Online sellers who have warehouses full of these will have them for sale regularly and are able to be cheaper than I am.

Visit my online catalogue.

Canine Motor Patterns / Breed Specific Drives (instinctive behaviours)

>> means two motor patterns are connected.     _____ means the motor pattern is emphasised.        (Fault) means the motor pattern is not wanted in the breed.


HOWEVER not all dogs within a breed, or even within a litter, will show these motor patterns as listed. For example lots of dogs continue to bite into adult hood as they never learn teething biting and playbiting which are both normal puppy behaviours are an unwanted behaviour.  Other dogs, for example the pointers, have dogs within the breed that have the ‘Eye’ behaviour to such extent that they will stand ‘at point’ staring at a leaf for hours and are hard to distract.